Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Planning Your Garden

I love planning my vegetable garden. In the middle of winter I can dream about all the fresh and tasty foods that will be prepared and eaten by my family. It takes more than just some open soil to have a garden. You have to plan how big you want it, what vegetables you will have, if you are growing them from seed or buying plants. Which plants compliment each other and which need to be on opposite sides of the plot. Then after you plant them you have to care for them. Water and compost have to be added to make sure your garden flourishes. If you are like me it grows well but weeds eventually take over because I get busy with other summer activities. It takes research, time and energy to grow a successful garden. Just like it does to be successful at anything we do research and plan for our future. We need to take the same approach about having a relationship with Christ. Reading the Bible daily to research what God expects from us, planning the words we will say to others so that we can be made to look more like His image and growing through our strengths and weaknesses, learning from our mistakes. Once we know what God wants us to do in every area of our lives, we must strive to be the best for Him and for each other.

Read the Parable of the Sower and why it is important to hold God's word close to our hearts- Matthew 13:1-18

Are you planning a garden this year? What are your favorite vegetables and flowers?

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